Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Vincent Van Gogh

Ecco il girasole, che abbiamo fatto a scuola durante la nostra yellow week! E oggi siamo andati alla National Gallery per ammirare i suoi quadri dal vivo! L'unica cosa che ho raccontato a casa della gita e' che Van Gogh non ripete mai le stesse opere ma fa sempre cose diverse, e indovinate un po": anch'io! Cosi' ho spiegato ai miei genitori che non mi devono piu' chiedere di ripetere le cose (ne' di raccontare cosa e' successo a scuola o di fare vedere che lettere ho imparato) , perche' io sono come il mio nuovo idolo, Van Gogh!!

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Monday, November 19, 2007

What a great birthday party!

Happy 5th Birthday Leonardo!!
I really had a blast, with my new friends from school, and my "old" friends Matilda, Ettore and Leandro... we had so much fun!! Thank you all for coming!!

My mum was so impressed with my new school friends, all so polite, punctual (knocking at our dorr at 10:30am sharp), sitting nicely when asked, and actually listening to the instructions... (except a few of them run away to hide under the bed...)

My mum was also impressed by the fact that I was eating my cake! She knows I never really liked cakes but I have started to appreciate them at school... don't tell her, but that's all I eat when I have my school lunches...!

And after the cake, some phyisical exercise, to release all our energy... the pinata!!

Don't I have style?!

Lounging at the end of the day... (it is actually 4pm but here in London it looks like it's night already...)
Oh, what a day! Thank you all for coming to my party and for the wonderful presents!
I was so excited I did not realize my parents have not given me any present yet...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

sabato arancione

a decorare la casa

sempre in movimento!!! tutti e due!!!!
cercando di distrarre quella folle di mia sorella che vorrebbe assaggiare tutte le scarpe! Bleah! Con tutti quei batteri e sporcizie!
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Friday, November 09, 2007

che giorno meraviglioso!!

In the morning, I was awarded by the school a "Certificate of Achievement" for having made a Blue Book (it was our "blue week") as homework - as I explained to the entire school assembly, I cut out some blue pictures from magazines and glued them on the book to make it into a Blue Book! I was not shy at all and the teacher had to stop me talking or I would have gone on and on...! I was so proud and happy I could not stop smiling!!
Then, early in the afternoon, I had to report back to the classroom what our teddy bear "Freddy" did while spending a night at my place (Freddy goes home with each of us every night). Of course I made clear with mum that Freddy does not really "do" anything except watching and I then asked her to write down a list of actions that Fred witnessed, like playing with my friend Adam, having dinner, taking a bath, sleeping etc. When the teacher called me out to report back, I unfolded my list and read it aloud. I then folded it and put it back in my pocket, and went back to my seat. I read so quicky that the teacher had to ask me to repeat three times what I said (she keeps a diary of our reports).
Here I am reading the list of actions that Freddy witnessed at home

Then, my mum brought a tray full of cupcakes to school... yes, today was also my birthday!!! They say I am five but I am not entirely convinced. Five years old kids look SO BIG to me!!

Back home, we had another party with my friend Matilda and her little sister Iolanda. Dad is out of town so my parents decided (without consulting me) to celebrate my birthday with all my new friends next Sunday...

And finally, I got to skip my evening bath... what a fantastic day!!!
Che giorno fantastico, prima mi hanno consegnato un certificato di merito per aver fatto un Libro Blu tutto da solo - a scuola stiamo ricercando i colori e questa era la settimana "blu"- e davanti all'intera assemblea della scuola! Io ero spuerfelice e fiero, e molto disinvolto! Non la smettevo di parlare per spiegare a tutti la tecnica utilizzata per fare il libro!!
Poi, di pomeriggio, ho raccontato alla classe le avventure dell'orsacchiotto Freddy che ogni sera va a casa con qualcuno di noi. Ho fatto scrivere a mamma una lista di cose che abbiamo fatto in sua presenza, che poi ho letto alla classe (vedi foto).
Inoltre, la mamma ha portato il dolce a scuola per festeggiare...si, il mio compleanno!!!!
A casa, abbiamo festeggiato nuovamente con Matilda e Iolanda, nell'attesa del party vero e proprio, domenica prossima - infatti babbo non c'e' in questi giorni e a casa c'e' stata una executive decision (del tutto top-down e senza consultative process) di rimandare i festeggiamenti...
Per finire, ho anche saltato il bagno serale... waw, che giorno fantastico!!!

Saturday, November 03, 2007

the mystery

I really enjoy driving my parents mad during the week-end! At home, I scream and jump and pull and push and can't stand still for one single moment.... but, as soon as go out, I stop. I stop. I stand on my sister's stroller and I read. Silent. Still.
The mystery continues...

Waiting for my burger...

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Thursday, November 01, 2007

trick or treat?

"This was my best Halloween ever!" said Leo after having visited the neighbourood with his friend Matilda the witch! Once they had collected a decent amount of sweets, they decided to go back home and add those sweets to those already prepared to give out to the trick-or-treaters... and at that point they really had a blast, opening the door to the kids, giving them their treats, and wishing them Happy Halloween. Matilda also scared a couple of them off by screaming like mad... very appropriate indeed!!