Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

This is how I spent the Christmas night in Mexico... sleeping at the restaurant with my friend Giulia!

Back home, we were disappointed to discover that after the 25th, there are no more Christmas trees available to buy. But I was so lucky that, while walking to the park with nonno Renato, I found one spare tree left by the road... and we quickly carried it home! Yuppie!!
And to celebrate, I wore my Christmas cooking suit....
and prepared some delicious cookies with my friend Matilda! Yummie!!
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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas in Tulum, Mexico

they say we are flying to Mexico for our Christmas holidays... 11 hours' flight... my mom and dad seem pretty stressed out already...
so far so good... Eleonora is playing with a bunch of straws (what's so funny about straws I wonder...) while I enjoy reading my Mickey Mouse comics (and dad sleeps while mom takes pictures - same old story)
... it is actually true!! We are on the beach! Yuppie!!!
And the fun begins...

Giulia in Tulum

and guessed who was with us: my friend Giulia, directly from DC!!

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Lara in Tulum

...and guess who else was with us in Tulum, directly from DC: Lara!!

I am such a lucky boy, being on holidays with with my best friends... and such beauties! I had a hard time managing their competing demands though! ;-))
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Zia Eva in Tulum

then of course zia Eva could not be missed...
... beautiful zia Eva....
Eleonora gets very confused every time she 's got mom and zia Eva together - which one is which?
...and out of the blue, here comes Peter too!
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I love the beach!

one can do all sorts of experiments...

or visit the near-by Maya ruins...

or wake up at 6am and stroll...
actually run....
or play with my little sista....
...actually tormenting her...! But she keeps laughing every time I go close to her! She loves me and I love her too!


sunrise inspirations

Eleonora had a hard time with her jet lag, and she (and mom) woke up before sunrise every day... Mom gave up trying to put her down to sleep and decided it was a better idea to just walk out of the room and enjoy the new day from its very beginning...

It looks like she did feel pretty inspired!

Anyway, except for the early rise, the proximity to the sea did help Eleonora get into a good routine as she ate well and then f would fall alseep quite easily while being rocked by mom or dad (mostly dad to be honest) while strolling by the seaside...

As for myself, I enjoyed waking up later than usual (giving my dad the excuse for staying in bed longer than mom!) and managed to sleep really well overall, except when I woke up one night to open the door (thank God it was locked!) and get out of the room in the middle of the night (I must have been sleep-walking as I could not remember anything the following morning) and when I...hum-hum... fell off my bed and bruised my cheek by crashing on the floor! It really hurt a lot!


a totem

a Christmas tree
a pinata

magic magic everywhere!

Sunday, December 09, 2007

i nonni a Londra!

Evviva, sono arrivati i nonni toscani!! E giusto in tempo per cucirmi un bel vestito da Babbo Natale per il concerto della scuola... io sono il bimbo all'estrema destra, l'unico che sta leggendo... appena salito sul palco, ho sfoderato il testo della canzone che tenevo nascosto sotto il maglione. Come ho poi spiegato, perche' sprecare spazio nella mia memory card, quando posso semplicemente leggere il testo invece che impararlo a memoria?!

certo, anche leggere richiede la sua dose di energia...
per fortuna c'e' nonno che mi legge tutti i Topolini!! Grazie nonno!
E c'e' nonna che mi fa divertire ...e ingrassare! grazie mille per i manicaretti che ci hai preparato!! Ho saputo che hai lasciato le ricette alla mamma... come dire... la speranza e' sempre l'ultima a morire...
Grazie mille nonni per essere venuti a farci compagnia, mi mancate gia' cosi' tanto!!! A prestissimo!!
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Saturday, December 08, 2007

mom is in India

I don't like when mom is away, but she says she goes to India to help less fortunate children be as happy as we are... I eventually agreed and allowed her to go... I even advised her to do her job well and not to worry about my little sister as I will take good care of her...!

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