Thursday, October 11, 2007

London Science Museum

Last Sunday we were set to go to the Science Museum in the morning to spend the whole day there, as there are five floors to visit!, but we only managed to get out of our house at 2pm!! We barely managed to play a bit in the interactive room... plus, my mum was still fighting with her old and broken camera and most of the pictures are blurred... anyway these are a few highlights of the day....

dancing in the dark

showing off my knowldge about plants

The Bubble Show, my favorite!!

when we got home, we discovered that I was really hot and for two days I had to rest at home with a viral infection in my throat. But do not worry, I am fine now... besides...I skipped school!
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Anonymous said...

chissa' perche' ma me l'aspettavo che non sareste riusciti a uscire prima delle 2. Domani ce la farete per pranzo?
Meno male che non ci eravamo organizzati per raggiungervi al museo ;-)

Leo&Ele said...

oggi vi abbiamo stupiti, eh? arrivando addirittura prima dell'una!!