Wednesday, November 29, 2006


tasi-tasi che Leo e' ritornato in se': tranquillo, sereno, e in pace col mondo. Noi siamo convinti che il suo umore segua dei cicli mensili, visto che per + o - una settimana al mese diventa intrattabile, dorme poco e smette di mangiare. In questa settimana si concentrano le varie ferite da rough play, le telefonate dall'asilo, i pianti notturni etc. Poi, da un giorno all'altro, ridiventa quello di sempre.

Ogni mese, per una settimana. Se non e' un ciclo questo!


Anonymous said...

adesso terro' d'occhio tommaso, forse sono le fasi lunari?

Leo&Ele said...


Although little research has been done on the topic, men have monthly cycles, too. As far back as the seventeenth century, the Italian scientist Sanctorius weighed men daily over long periods of time and discovered that men underwent a monthly weight change of about one or two pounds. More recently, a Danish endocrinologist kept daily records of hormones excreted in his urine. When analyzed, those records showed that his hormones rose and fell in roughly a thirty-day rhythm. Interestingly, beard growth also shows a rhythm of approximately thirty days; in other words, the amount of beard a man grows daily increases and decreases in a monthly cycle.

In 1929, a researcher carefully followed the moods of seventeen men and showed that men, like women, have emotional cycles of about a month to six weeks in length. According to the researcher's findings, men tend to be more apathetic and indifferent during the low period of their emotional cycles and more likely to magnify small problems into big ones. During the high period of their cycles, men have more energy, a greater sense of well-being, lower body weight, and less need for sleep.

In the early 1970s, Ms. magazine reported that a Japanese bus and taxi company used this knowledge of male monthly cycles to reduce accidents involving its vehicles. After charting the cycles of each of its drivers, the company rearranged routes and schedules to best match the men's low and high periods. The result: After two years, the company experienced a one-third drop in its accident rate.


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OK non sono altamente scientifici ma corrispondono alle mie osservazioni! Mi sa che d'ora in poi segnero' le "date" di Leo sul calendario...